Earthwize Recycling Advantages

Advantages For Your Community

We Support the Community - Using local merchants for all our equipment needs and supplies. We also support schools, churches and non-profit groups, partnering with them in local recycling fundraisers.

Conservation with Convenience - Who wants to drive clear across town to recycle? Our convenient, on-site recycle centers promote economical, gas saving recycling and shopping.

THINK GREEN! - All of our electrical power comes from the sun through the use of discrete solar panels. Our cleaning water use is well managed also, so there is never any waste water or storm water discharge.

We're Good Neighbors - Collections are always kept neatly out of public view while dangerous and noisy processing equipment will never take place at any of our centers.

The Right Thing to Do - Recycling reduces landfill space, saves energy and conserves natural resources.

We're Not Strangers - We work closely with local building and planning agencies during the complete approval process of all our centers.

Doing Our Part - Assisting local city and county recycling agencies meet their state mandated waste diversion goals by reporting our recycled materials to them.

Home Grown - EarthWize is a locally owned company that employs local people that shop at local area stores and pay local taxes.