Earthwize Recycling Logo

Beverage container recycling company serving Southern California grocers and their customers.

Advantages of Earthwize Recycling

When it comes to beverage container recycling, EarthWize has you covered in every way.

First, our system is favored by our clients because, from the very beginning, we utilized our expertise to develop a solid plan to address all of the ins and outs of public recycling. We focus on the human element – not vending machines or in-store recycling – so that key daily concerns like: cleanliness, utilities and space usage, customer traffic flow and storage are handled on the spot, by our employees. Our centers are self-contained, run themselves and ultimately lead each recycling customer directly to your store.

Secondly, we work closely with the cities and counties of our center locations, to properly fulfill all government requirements and permitting, so you don't have to. Our experience and knowledge of what the state requires of each store, makes it as easy as it can be for you to quickly and efficiently provide recycling to satisfy state law.

Earthwize Recycling Advantages